Featured  Destinations


Tarpon town

The Biosphere Reserve of Los Petenes is a vast system of mangroves and wetlands. This environment brings constant streams of freshwater into the Gulf of Mexico, making it the perfect brackish water (is salt water and fresh water mixed) for baby and juvenile tarpon, and barracuda. The town of Campeche is located on the Western Yucatan, looking toward the Gulf of Mexico.


Golden dorado river cruiser

Within a few hours of Buenos Aires, you'll find fantastic golden dorado fishing opportunities in the huge upper delta of the Paraná River system. The Paraná River system is the second largest in South America, after the Amazon, and has a total length of over 1500 miles, with hundreds of tributaries, deltas, marshlands, lagoons, side channels, full of fantastic flora and fauna and yes, the aggressive Golden Dorado.


Estancia Laguna Verde Lodge

The rumors you’ve heard about trout fishing at Strobel lake (aka Jurassic Lake) and Barrancoso River are true. Memorable rainbows are caught on regular basis at Estancia Laguna Verde Lodge, the one and only lodge in all Strobel/Barrancoso plateu area.
With it´s first class lodging, and exclusive access to miles of Strobel lake, Barrancoso river, Moro creek and over 12 smaller lakes and lagoons, we are the obvious choice for serious anglers looking for a fishing trip of a lifetime.
Come to experience this unrivaled flyfishing adventure, only at Estancia Laguna Verde.